What is the UK Net Zero Strategy?
The UK Net Zero Strategy is a climate change policy launched by the British government. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050.
The UK Net Zero Strategy was announced as part of the Climate Change Act in 2008 and was updated in 2016. The strategy provides an overview of the work that needs to be done in order for the UK to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and sets out how the government will achieve this goal.
The strategy has four key areas:
Carbon budgets, which are a set of targets for reducing emissions which are set each year up until 2050.
Governance, which includes measures such as setting up new institutions and bodies to oversee climate change policies, as well as increased public engagement on climate change issues.
Investment, which includes promoting green finance and clean energy technologies.
Innovation, which includes research into low-carbon technologies such as renewable energy sources.
What are the Goals of the UK Net Zero Strategy?
The UK Net Zero Strategy is a plan that was created to make the country carbon neutral by 2050. This strategy was developed by the UK government in order to reduce and eventually eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions.
This strategy sets out to achieve three goals:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible,
- Adapt to the impacts of climate change, and
- Lead international action on climate change.
Where is the UK today (2022) on its Net Zero Strategy?
The UK is making progress towards achieving its Net Zero Strategy. The government has set the sixth carbon budget, which is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that the UK can produce until 2032-2033. The sixth carbon budget is lower than previous budgets and includes an interim target of 57% reduction in greenhouse gas emission by 2025-2026. The government also made a commitment to reduce its own GHG emissions by 80% in 2025-26 and 100% in 2030-31. The UK has placed a large bet on blue hydrogen in combination with carbon capture technology in order to deliver the Net Zero Strategy. There is a high probability that many of the technologies and capabilities needed to deliver blue hydrogen will be developed in the UK. This includes large-scale electrolysis, storage technology and large-scale carbon capture. The UK has a significant research base and a strong industrial base which are well placed to deliver these technologies. In addition, there are a number of innovative players in the UK who will be able to take advantage of the opportunity presented by blue hydrogen. It is likely that many of these will be privately owned start-ups or established small businesses.
Why is the UK Net Zero Strategy deemed unlawful?
The UK Net Zero Strategy was deemed unlawful by the High Court of England and Wales, in its ruling dated 8th and 9th June 2022. The decision was made after Friends of the Earth, Good Law Project and others challenged the government for not fulfilling its duty to cut emissions to zero by 2050. The Secretary of State failed in his duties because he could have done more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but instead only took a few steps in that direction. The court found that the Secretary of State’s plan was inadequate and it is not enough for him to just take a few steps towards meeting his obligations. It is now impossible for the UK to meet its goals as per the Sixth Carbon Budget, without engaging with environmental groups, and to design a plan that takes its citizens into account. The decision has sparked a lot of controversy and it has been challenged in the Court of Appeal, with a hearing scheduled for Wednesday, 11th June 2022. On 24 June, the Court of Appeal rejected the Secretary's appeal. on the grounds that the Court of Appeal had no power to review their own decision.
Friends of the Earth are an environmental activist organisation founded in 1971. The organisation takes a radical approach to environmental issues and actively campaigns against the environmental impacts of industrialisation and the perceived effects of climate change.
Good Law Project is an organisation which has been campaigning for the removal of the Hunting Act 2004 since 2011.The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs appealed against a decision by the High Court to quash the current ban on hunting with dogs in England, Wales and Scotland.Good Law Project challenged this appeal on behalf of Friends of The Earth The High Court is expected to rule on February 21st 2018.